When your new member selects the 'Fast-Track' option (from the Builders Menu), they will see a mindmap of the steps you’ll be progressively working through during your weekly onboarding sessions.
These options are:
1. Your first steps.
2. Your homework.
3. Start inviting.
4. Create a filtered list.
5. Consistently invite.
6. Learn to use the My Most Trusted app.
7. Decide to get good at it.
8. Learn, Interact, Ad-vo-cate.
9. Work on developing yourself
10. Improve your leadership skills
11. Learn additional productivity tools
Note that each step in this mindmap with a tick icon has a clickable link associated with it.
Click each step in the diagram to go to its associated link.
As you can see, there is a great deal of content to go through here.
However, there’s is no rush - you’ll be working through this with them during your weekly session over the next 4-6 weeks.
During this time, you will get to know your new team member better, develop your relationship with them and think about how you can best ad-vo-cate for them to others you know.
Although you are investing significant time in your new team member, your investment can be very worthwhile because:
Great team members will consistently ad-vo-cate for you, others in your team and others they meet in the Connect Collaborative..
Some will build massive networks and will ad-vo-cate you to those networks.
Registering a new team member is the first step on on-boarding your new member. The registration steps are well documented in the Syllabus with...
There is quite a bit to cover in Session 2, of Workshop 7.. You will be showing the attendees how to take their new...
Although it is not essential, it really helps if you can get through to the end of their first steps during the on-boarding session...